Gallery Guide
Gallery goers struggle to follow rigid audio tours
Discovery research identified two critical pain points among participants aged 25-65, from diverse backgrounds, who visit museums and galleries at least three times a year.
Want better content
Typical audio tours are too long and boring with poor production values. Users want more engaging audio.
Want more agency
Users need the ability to go at their own pace and to follow their own path through the exhibition.
I designed an app that gives users quality content and agency over their audio tour experience.
By using professionally produced audio using radio industry best practices, gallery tours become more dynamic and engaging.
Making the audio content respond to the users location will allow them to have an experience that addresses their specific needs.
Allowing for full control of playback and the pace of the audio tour will return agency to the user, generating more trust.
Choose your own adventure
With the core objective being to give users agency, Gallery Guide features three options for accessing audio tour content.
Map Mode
A real-time map shows nearby artworks, highlighting the closest object, for the user to select and hear audio content about.
Guided Tour
A traditional audio tour plays content about each artwork in the order they appear in the exhibition space.
By Number
As an alternative to map mode, users can manually enter an artwork's corresponding number to hear its audio content.
A new way to navigate
Introducing new ways of doing is always challenging. Map mode is no exception and usability studies revealed confusion about this core feature.
I created three separate onboarding screens for first-time map mode users, making instructions more easily digestible.
What users are saying
Wish I had this the last time I visited a museum. It would have made me get an audio tour.
Participant 3
I love the concept. The simplicity of it made using it easy.
Participant 4
It makes a lot of sense and would make it easier for people to have autonomy.
Participant 5
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